"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory." --Dr. Seuss. How often do you have memories pop up in one of your feeds that show you photos from 1 yr ago? Or 5 years ago? Let me say...they stop me in my tracks. Every.Single.Time. They are 99% of the time from an ordinary day, usually playing outside or setting up a "petting zoo" in the family room. But when I see those chubby cheeks, little hands or those beautiful toddler smiles, my heart melts. In the moment of those younger days, I never think to myself, "I sure will enjoy these photos 5 years from now" but WOW, I am thankful that I took them.
I value your moments like I do my own. They need to be remembered and treasured. I am humbled that you want to work with me, entrusting me with these priceless moments.
Session fees are $175 and includes a phone consultation, style & experience guide, up to a one hour session and soft proofing of gallery.
After the session, we will have an in person photo reveal. You will get to see your photos for the first time and we can share in the excitement of your favorites to hang on your walls! Collections start at $1250 and include combinations of your favorite digitals, prints, albums and wall art!
A la carte items are also available in addition to collections!
After the consultation, I will hand edit the images in the collection, design your album and order your prints and wall art. You can expect your finished products within 8 weeks (ordered digitals will be delivered within two weeks via password protected gallery).