A beautiful find in Hampton, PA
Is it too early for holiday photos? In my opinion, it's NEVER too early for holiday photos!! Especially when a red truck like this one is involved!! A little backstory...I have been investing in my business a lot this year including education on running successful mini sessions. From planning to client experience to delivering galleries that families will love. SERVING those families in the best way possible is my number one goal. In one of my classes, some of the students RAVE about their "Red Truck Minis". When I started seeing their photos, I thought how fun and unique!!! So I started looking for a truck...and believe me, it wasn't as easy as I thought it might be!! After a few months of looking, I finally found a beautiful truck and even more amazing owners of the truck!

A pleasant surprise...
Sometimes life can surprise you. One summer night in August, our boys and my dad wanted to go to the Shaler Car Cruise at the library. We drove up and as the boys were wide eyed at the variety of cars, my eyes became wide at the red truck that caught my attention immediately!!! We circled the lot several times talking to the owners of the cars. I wanted nothing more than to talk to the owner of the truck but I am not the most outgoing person and I was so nervous!! Little bit of advice here....don't be afraid to go after what you want!! If I hadn't talked to Mike and Antoinette, I never would have gained new friends and the opportunity to learn about the history of the truck and book dates for photos!!
I learned that this beautiful truck is a '51 Ford and was used on a local farm to carry hay. When the original owner sold the truck to Mike, he spent time and energy restoring it to the beauty that it is today. This truck can be seen in Shaler's annual Homecoming Parade and car cruises in town.

Ready for Photos!
I wanted to get some promo shots so clients knew exactly what to expect on the day of their session. Mike invited us to his house and we did the quick sessions with my own kids and a "model family." Not only did our boys LOVE the truck, they actually smiled AND cooperated for the photos!! Mike showed Aiden the mechanics of the truck and he got to learn how different vehicles were made in the 50's compared to today. They also got to meet their 3 dogs and a beautiful Macaw that lives there too!! That was a SUPER bonus for Ethan who LOVES birds!!!

Red Truck Smiles...
We set the date for the sessions and the bookings came in!! The families that booked were beyond adorable!!! I had SO MUCH fun and the kids were all smiles which made my job super easy!!!! Even moms and dads joined in on the fun and we got some unique shots with them too!! For my mini sessions, it's ALL about fun and family interaction. My goal is to get at least one image of everyone looking and smiling. But those candids.....I live for them!! I love the interaction with the siblings. I love the sweet smiles with the parents and their kids. When they look at their photos, I want them to remember the moment as a joyful time, not one filled with stress and anxiety. Photos should reflect fun memories frozen in time!!
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to have been able to book these minis!! I hope that they will be an annual addition to my holiday mini sessions. I am thankful for the generosity of Mike and Antoinette for their time and use of their truck. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Elfinwild Lions Club because Mike has been an active member for over 20 years. I fully believe what goes around, comes around. They were so eager to let me use the truck that I want to bless the organization for which he gives his time and serves the community. They are having a drive through spaghetti dinner on Oct. 16th at Elfinwild Church so if you are willing and don't want to cook, stop on by!! I hear Mike makes a delicious sauce!!!