Do You Have A Lot of Photos?
I've been asked this question a lot lately so this is a quick blog post that may help you out!! I'm hearing "Jen- I have photos everywhere! What can I do?" I can absolutely help! But please, don't ask me how to organize a kitchen pantry, a toy cabinet or a basement. Because photos are about the ONLY area of organization that I can proudly say is NOT a mess in my life!
Do you take a lot of photos with your cell phone or camera? And then feel overwhelmed wondering how to organize them? You want to preserve your precious memories because you took the time to take them. Those photos unlock so many wonderful feelings when you go back and take a look and realize your babies are no longer babies. I am not a very materialistic person... if we ever God forbid lost our possessions, nothing would bother me more than losing our photos. We can replace furniture and clothes, but photos?? Those are worth EVERYTHING!! Read on to find 3 ways to organize and store your photos!

Choose a Storage Method.
I am the first to admit that I take a TON of photos! My professional photos are organized by session and then backed up on both a hard drive and in the cloud. I treasure my clients memories just as much as they do and I want them to be protected in more than one way!
For my personal cell phone photos, I back them up automatically onto Google Drive. I purchased an extra storage plan because I had taken up all of their free space with photos and videos. It's an inexpensive way to know that I have our memories protected! I think I spent about $30/yr to have the extra space and it constantly updates so I never have to remember to back up. It's a win-win for me!
I also manually backup my favorites to the Shutterfly app on my phone. I make most of our family albums with this site so it makes sense to back up to a site that I already use.
Group Them According to Month or Year.
I have found through MUCH trial and error that grouping photos into their own folder by YEAR works best for me. At first, I was grouping by season and then changed to monthly but I still felt disorganized. Maybe for you, it's easier to group by month and year. Grouping by year adds quite a few to each folder, but for me, seeing ALL of those folders by the month was a bit overwhelming so I just do one folder per year and keep adding to it. Or you could do a yearly folder with monthly subfolders inside of that.

Make an Album
Our boys LOVE to page through albums! They are a tangible way to re-live your favorite times and bonus.....they can be stored online!! We always make an album of our family vacations. It takes a million times longer to create but I let the boys help with the design. We choose our favorite photos, add them to the pages, then add captions and sticker art.
We are now in the process of going back and making "yearly" albums in addition to the baby and milestone books. Certain sites will let the pages autofill which makes design a breeze!!
When we have professional photos taken, or I take professional photos of the kids, I upgrade to a professional site that I use for clients for a more luxury feel. Since the photos are much higher quality than cell phone photos, I want to preserve them with nicer layouts and higher quality paper and covers.

Reach Out to Me!
I hope this helps you to organize your photos! I promise once you get started and get the initial work done, it's so easy to keep up with! Please feel free to reach out to me if I can help in any way!
You can always reach me at